Tuesday, October 10, 2017



I cut the moon in half with a butter knife last night.
And since I made that crooked slice,
 I let you choose which half you wanted.

You took the east side, so I took the west.

I placed my half of the moon up high in the sky
And I let it’s light guide me through the trail in the woods,
To the creek, where the water glistened.

I sat for a spell and listened for the wolves, but they weren’t howling…

So I let the light from my half of the moon lead me back home.
I snatched it and pulled it down from the sky
And I laid my half of the moon on the kitchen table.

With my butter knife I spread cream cheese on a bagel.
And I pressed my half of the moon on top of it.
I climbed into bed and slept peacefully,
Knowing the breakfast treat that awaited me.

What did you do with your half of the moon?
When I came home from my walk
I noticed that my half of the moon
Was slipping away, toward the horizon...
So I thanked it... and I let it go.

What did you do with your half of a moon?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017



Leaves start falling in a forest
Slowly drifting to the ground
‘Til one by one
They all are done.

Branches part to an open sky
Where winds blow through
And days turn gray
While we wait for green again…

Have patience said the old man to the child
Winter is time to think and mend,
And time to plan for springtime.
Time to listen to the wind’s quiet whispers
And hope for green again…

When it comes we’ll thank the heavens
Plant our gardens and watch them grow,
Pick wildflowers and listen to the birds.

Take in the long daylight hours
Hear the rustle of leaves in the forest
And fill our eyes with green,
Until the leaves begin to fall again…

Sunday, October 1, 2017


Sunset Gifts

A pink sunset, adorned with clouds of gray

Reflects on the surface of the lake between the lily pads,

While towering evergreens in the distance

Form black silhouettes between the earth and the sky.

The sunset lingers for a short time only,

Just long enough to capture my heart and soul

Then quietly exits, fading into darkness

Leaving me filled with awe and wonder.

A sunset should remind you to appreciate all this day has given you

All earth’s living things, sights, and sounds of nature

Use your time wisely, take it all in…

Before the sun sets on your life and it’s over.